life is starting to settle in with the new house. i finally made my space my own, which meant cutting bird silhouettes out of yellow paper and making them fly amongst the photos on my wall.
i've also started writing those letters i promised to so many lovelies. but i've decided the bike ride to the post office alone makes it worth sending them, it's a long and peaceful trip through beautiful rural streets. it's a classic shot of an exotic asian country. chickens running across the road, rice fields and giant
leafy green trees.
i spent this last weekend sleeping on amy and sarah's couch, enjoying the air conditioning and long walks along streets we haven't ventured down yet. people don't really seem to walk from place to place in chiang mai, but considering the heat and the lack of accommodating sidewalks, i can understand. it felt good to move about on my own two legs.
here's a fun fact, yes there are starbucks in thailand [notice the gecko, perfect] and to my surprise, and maybe yours as well, it's one the few places where you can get a decent cup of coffee. thai's like their instant, not so much. especially because when you read the nescafe label, the general amount of actual coffee is about 11% while on the other hand, sugar is about 40%.
oh and i got the coveted pleasure of getting to watch sarah, amy and shanna practice a dance they're choreographing with anna's mom esther, who lip syncs the lead vocals. it's to the song 'everybody dance now'. amazing.
getting to spend time with amy and sarah is always so good even if it means i watch them try and figure out what they will do for their next class. or watching them play charades with the entire class of freshmen nursing students. hearing 200 girls say 'sawadee ka' in unison is terrifying.
i am reminded of how lucky i am to have two of my closest friends in the same foreign country as me. even though i don't see them as much as i would like, just knowing they are there gives me a great sense of peace.
now i just leave you with a few pictures i find, well,...

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