[that's right, our kids can fly.]

i am constantly staring at a situation that appears to be general childishness. i may get frustrated when they throw fits over such small things or cry when they don't get their way. but then it hits me [or one of the kids do], grown ups are the biggest cry-babies i know. for serious. i think about all the petty things i get angry about and realize i have no room to tell the kids they're being ridiculous when someone has every right to say that to me.
it's funny that we call people grown-ups once they hit a certain age range when really, that 5 year-old mentality is still going strong. maybe that should be a test to see if you actually qualify for the title of 'adult'. i think a vast majority of us would fail miserably.
oh and my favorite thing is when children do something that they think is funny, but really it's not and they get in big trouble. like last night when one of the kids took a shower hose and sprayed down half of the room, getting water EVERYWHERE, then the other kids
used the floor as a slip n' slide. it was udder chaos and i even describe how frustrated the two nannies and i were.
but once everything was over, the storm calmed, and the kids were being half civil, one of the nannies took my shoulders and said in
an all-knowing tone, 'COURAGE!'
...then i thought to myself later,if i had been one of those little kids, i would have thought that was the best, most awesome thing ever. and that if an opportunity like that came up in my life now, i'd probably do that same thing. any punishment would have been worth it.

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